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Security & Emergency Greece is one of the most safest vacation countries in the world and Crete has the lowest position in criminal statistic in Europe. The traditionally high value of honesty of the locals even after the onslaught of mass tourism still exists. However, care should be taken in areas of high tourist traffic on his property, as it unfortunately, not all tourists with the honesty as accurate and may occur as sporadic thefts in each country. As in all other countries would also travel travel insurance beneficial. The European emergency number 112 is valid and every day to reach around the clock in Greece.
Due to the global economic crisis since 2008, unfortunately, petty crime has now increased as in other holiday destinations in Greece and on Crete in recent years. In addition to guest workers from Eastern European countries from Asia and Africa are due to the increasing poverty unfortunately some criminal Albanians, Romanians, Bulgarians and Arab gangs for the holiday season in Greece "active", who specialized in thefts from vehicles and burglaries sometimes in hotel room . Particular interest is cash, jewelry, credit cards, European passports, digital cameras and laptops, therefore Close Always your balcony or patio door, and the window of your hotel room during your absence, and especially at night from most hotel facilities have also been enhanced security staff day and night use and the Greek police drive at night often on patrol.
If you lose your travel documents or his passport or it is stolen, you should immediately contact the tourist police and consulate or embassy having jurisdiction, since it could be a problem with a possible police control otherwise. It to carry a photocopy of his passport and leave the original in the hotel or the holiday home is best. If you lose your debit or credit card also immediately call your local bank and can block the cards.
The Greek traffic is to be taken with a little more care, as the Greeks are very impulsive car and motorcycle rider. Pedestrian and motorized traffic participants should observe the traffic rules and be extra careful at intersections. At stop signs and even on one-way streets can not always be relied upon. In the event of an accident, contact the emergency services (tel. 166) or the police (tel. 100).
In case of fire, please inform the fire department (Tel. 199) and you should see somewhere a new forest fire and it is still not observed any fire department activity, please call immediately the nationwide emergency number 191 and specific as possible when the application to.
Chania has a large network of pharmacies. A list of pharmacies who perform the emergency services today and in the next few days, you will find here!
Important addresses & phone numbers Stand: Juni 2014 Emergency calls in GREECE Unless specifically indicated for individual places all emergency numbers are uniform in Greece!
Police ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΑΣΤΥΝΟΜΙΑ ( Elliniki Astinomia ) General phone number: 100 ( general emergency ) In addition to the normal police (tel. 1033), there is in Greece and in the coastal places a port police and in all major resorts a tourist police (tel. 171). The last one is both police as well as tourist information and therefore the most useful for travelers. In its services mostly are also brochures, maps, fare information and accommodation hints provided.
The following phone numbers (not 1033) and addresses of the police headquarters of the cities of Crete (The phone numbers 100, 171 and 108 are valid, of course, also everywhere!):
Police Chania: 28210 25 7 00 and 28 7 44 ( Main building: ΑΣΤΥΝΟΜΙΚΗ ΜΕΓΑΡΟ ) Irakliou 23 / Em. Antoniadou (at the main road from the centre to the direction to Souda)
Police Rethymno: 28310 25 2 47 and 88 1 54 Ioannou Melissinou / Platia Iroon Polytechniou (at the south end of the fortress)
Police Heraklion: 2810 28 22 43 and 24 77 68 Dikeossinis / Evans / G. Chatzimichali (nearby the Morosini-Fountain)
Police Agios Nikolaos: 28410 91 4 02 Erythrou Stavrou (northwest of the harbour at the road in direction to Heraklion)
Fire Brigade ΠΥΡΟΒΕΣΤΙΚΟ ΣΩΜΑ ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ ( Pyrovestiko Soma Elladas )
Ambulance Service ΕΚΑΒ = ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΑΜΕΣΗΣ ΒΟΗΘΕΙΑΣ ( Kentro Amesis Voithias ) General phone number: 166
In Crete there since 2001 in Chania-Mournies one of the most modern hospitals in the entire Mediterranean with highly qualified doctors and well trained, friendly personnel. English is understood everywhere, some also speak German. In addition, there are also several private emergency clinics in the city. ( photo of 'Agios Georgios' - hospital and map to see where is Mournies )
Hospitals ΝΟΣΟΚΟΜΕΙΑ ( Nossokomia ) +
Health Centers ΚΕΝΤΡΑ ΥΓΕΙΑΣ ( Kentra Ygias ) CHANIA
IKA ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΩΝ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΕΩΝ ( Idrima Koinonikon Asfaliseon ) Social Insurance Institution General phone number: 184
Doctors ΙΑΤΡΟΙ ( Jatri ) The medical care is well secured on Crete, tourists are in emergencies in hospitals (Nossokomia) and treated free of charge at the health centers (Kentra Ygias). In the cities also sufficient private practice doctors and specialists are available that can be visited as EU citizens with the new chip card of health insurance or even the old claim ID (E111) as well. However, the German, Austrian or Swiss health insurance certificate must be submitted in advance with the identity card or passport at the office of the Greek health insurance IKA and replaced by a Greek medical certificate. The IKA then appoint their panel doctors. Since the procedure is somewhat lengthy, it is advisable to complete before your arrival international health insurance to choose the doctor freely, to pay cash and submit the invoice after your return to the insurance company for reimbursement. Please ask for it in advance exactly when your health insurance. Addresses of English speaken doctors you can get at the embassy or consulates, but mostly all doctors speak English.
Pharmacies ΦΑΡΜΑΚΕΙΟ ( Farmakio ) + Pharmacies can be seen in Greece on the green cross and the inscription "ΦΑΡΜΑΚΕΙΟ" or "PHARMACY", some also have a red cross or the German pharmacy sign with the "A". Mostly also have Brithish drug products in stock or Greek products from Swiss or German pharmaceutical companies such as BAYER inf Athens. In Chania there are over 50 pharmacies in the downtown area nearly at each corner and in the larger towns and tourist areas is at least one.
(Below you will find the locations of the pharmacies in the city of Chania, with a mouse click on the map to see an enlarged view of the map in a new window, another mouse click there on the corresponding green pharmacy cross shows you a photo of the pharmacy there.) Locations of the pharmacies in the city center (click on the map for a larger view) List of some pharmacies in the city and the prefecture of Chania (Source: Yellow Pages 2012 ) This list is not complete, because not all pharmacies are registered inside the "Yellow Pages". There are much more pharmacies.
ELPA - Breakdown Service ΕΛΠΑ General number: 104 The Automobile and Touring Club of Greece "ELPA" (Elliniki Leschi Periigiseon kai Aytokinitou) has the important touristic roads over a transport service (OVELPA) with yellow car and the inscription: "Assistance Routiere". Event of a breakdown to make carefully keeping open the hood or by placing a yellow cloth in a prominent place and by waving up. The roadside assistance is chargeable, AA members receive special rates and for holders of euro-breakdown-cover the spot breakdown service and towing to the nearest workshop is free. With the nationwide number 174 ELPA has a special telephone service for tourists, operating from 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. every day of information may be obtained in English, German and French. Other companies (service will be charged) are: EXPRESS-SERVICE - Breakdown service General number: 1154 INTERAMERICAN - Breakdown service General number: 1168
AA - Emergency calls in UK AA If you're abroad, we can still help you (AA-service France): 0033 825 09 88 76 or 0033 472 17 12 00 Further information you can find here: www.theAA.com
Sperrung of EC- und Kreditkarten (24-Stunden-Service)
Sperrung of Reiseschecks (24-Stunden-Service)
Erkundigen Sie sich bitte vor Antritt der Reise bei Ihrer Bank oder Ihrem Kreditinstitut nach Ihrer speziellen Telefonnummer für die Sperrung of EC-Karten, Kreditkarten oder Reiseschecks, da viele einen eigenen Kundenservice für Notfälle betreiben.
ÖAMTC - Notruf Wien Notrufzentrale in Wien: 0043 1 251 2000
Notrufe in der SCHWEIZ
Schweizerische Rettungsflugwacht Zürich Notrufzentrale in Wien: 0041 333 333 333 Botschaften & Konsulate Die Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland befindet sich in Athen, ebenso wie die Botschaft Österreichs und der Schweiz. Auf der Insel Kreta gibt es je ein deutsches Honorarkonsulat in der Nähe of Chania und eines in Iraklion, ebenfalls gibt es ein österreichisches Honorarkonsulat in Iraklion. Im Falle eines Dokumentenverlustes wenden Sie sich bitte umgehend an die Touristenpolizei ( Tel. 171 ) und an Ihr zuständiges Konsulat oder die Botschaft.
Deutsche Botschaft - Athen Karaoli & Dimitriou 3 GR - 10675 Athen ( Kolonaki ) Nächste U-Bahn-Haltestelle: Evangelismos (METRO-Linie M3 (blau) Monastiraki-Aerodromio) Telefon: (0030) 210 72 85 111 Telefax: (0030) 210 72 29 311 (Konsularabteilung) Hotline: (0030) 210 72 85 214 (Konsularangelegenheiten) Internet: www.athen.diplo.de eMail-Adresse: german-embassy@otenet.gr, boathens@compulink.gr
Honorarkonsul der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Chania: Paraliaki Stassi 13 GR - 73014 Chania ( Agia Marina ) An der Küstenstrasse zwischen den Beach-Bars "Ammos & Ilios" und "Costa Costa" Tel. / Fax: (0030) 28210 68 876 Honorarkonsulin der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Iraklion: Dikaiosynis 77 GR - 71202 Iraklion Im Stadtzentrum in der Nähe des Morossini-Brunnens Telefon: (0030) 2810 22 62 88 Telefax: (0030) 2810 22 21 41 eMail-Adresse: honkons@her.forthnet.gr ( Griechische Botschaft in Deutschland )
Österreichische Botschaft - Athen Leoforos Alexandras 26 GR - 10683 Athen ( Exaycheia ) Nächste U-Bahn-Haltestelle: Viktorias (METRO-Linie M1 (grün) Piraeus-Kifissia) Telefon: (0030) 210 82 57 243 Telefax: (0030) 210 82 19 823 Hotline: (0030) 210 82 16 800
Honorarkonsul der Republik Österreich in Irakion: Platia Elefterias & Dedalou 36 GR - 71201 Iraklion Im Stadtzentrum in der Nähe des Archäologischen Museums Tel. / Fax: (0030) 2810 22 33 79 ( Griechische Botschaft in Österreich )
Schweizer Botschaft - Athen Iassiou 2 GR - 11521 Athen ( Kolonaki ) Nächste U-Bahn-Haltestelle: Evangelismos (METRO-Linie M3 (blau) Monastiraki-Aerodromio) Telefon: (0030) 210 72 30 364 Telefax: (0030) 210 72 49 209 Hotline: (0030) 210 72 99 471 Internet: www.eda.admin.ch/athens eMail-Adresse: vertretung@ath.rep.admin.ch
( Griechische Botschaft in der Schweiz ) Wichtige Telefonnummern bei Störungen (nur für Personen mit Eigentum in Griechenland) Urlauber wenden sich bitte an die Hotelrezeption oder an ihren Vermieter
Elektrizitätswerk - Δ.Ε.Η. Chania Sof. Venizelou 25 (südlich der Anagn.Gogoni ) Landesweite Rufnummer: 1050 oder auch: Chania: 28220 70 8 81 Kissamos: 28220 22 0 95 , 23 1 25 Kandanos: 28230 22 2 07 Vamos: 28250 51 2 40 Die Stromrechnung, die mehrmals im Jahr per Post zugestellt wird, ist in den Δ.Ε.Η.-Geschäftsstellen dort an der Kasse zu bezahlen. Sie kann gegen geringen Aufpreis auch an jedem mit dem Δ.Ε.Η.-Zeichen gekennzeichneten Geschäft bezahlt werden.
Wasserwerk - Δ.Ε.Υ.Α.Χ. Chania Kydonias 29 ( neben dem Rathaus ΔΗΜΑΡΧΕΙΟ ) Chania: 28210 36 2 50 Die Wasserrechnung, die mehrmals im Jahr per Post zugestellt wird, ist dort an der Kasse zu bezahlen.
Telekommunikation - ΟΤΕ Chania Tzanakaki 3-5 Landesweite Rufnummer: 121 Die Telefonrechnung, die monatlich per Post zugestellt wird, ist dort an der Kasse zu bezahlen.
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